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P-X3 electric lubrication pump

P-X3 electric lubrication pump

  • Classification:Electric grease lubrication pump
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-09-02 21:22:56
  • Summary
  • Characteristic
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Lubrication is very important for machinery equipment. If it is lubricated in time, it may cause equipment failure. Now many machinery equipment are lubricated by electric lubrication pumps. Generally, there are two kinds of lubricating media for our commonly used machinery. One is lubricating oil the other is grease. What is the difference between these two lubricating media? Let's analyze it the following seven aspects.

1. Adhesiveness. When the conflicting part is in a static state, the grease can maintain its original shape, will be automatically lost due to the effect of gravity, will slip on the vertical surface drip out the gap. When the conflicting part is in motion, the grease will be thrown away by the effect of centrifugal force like lubricating oil, nor will it splash out the poorly sealed part. Some oil drips splashes can be almost completely avoided, which can ensure that the environment is polluted less polluted, can also prevent product contamination.

2. The adsorption capacity of the grease of the electric lubrication pump on the metal surface is much greater than that of the lubricating oil, can form a relatively solid oil film, accepting a relatively high working load, the working temperature scale of the grease using the temperature scale is higher than that of the lubrication Oil wide.

3. Lubrication equipment structure The structure of the equipment lubricated by grease is relatively simple, which can simplify the design reduce the investment. The lubricating oil needs to be lubricated in a closed system. The structure of the equipment lubricated by the P-X3 electric lubrication pump company is also more complicated, the investment area are also large. It is suitable for semi-closed unclosed lubrication parts.

4. The grease of the electric lubrication pump will be automatically lost the surface of the protective part under the influence of its own weight. It has the ability to persist, the grease layer is generally thicker than the oil layer, so the protection ability is stronger. The protection of lubricating oil is relatively poor, it can only achieve a certain protective effect in a short time.

5. When the grease is used for a long time without being replaced, the lubrication effect can still be ensured, the lubricating oil needs to be added frequently, the lubricating oil is supplied in cycles, otherwise the normal lubrication of the machine cannot be ensured. In terms of numbers, the consumption of lubricating oil is 15-20 times more than that of grease, so the parts lubricated with grease are much more than that of lubricating oil.

6, P-X3 electric lubrication pump price grease can prevent dust entering the surface of the operation, avoiding impurities mixing wearing mechanical parts. Regarding operating parts such as bearings with more complex spatial structures high requirements on the accuracy of the lubricating surface, grease can block dust impurities on the outer surface of the bearing, can fill up the main open space to achieve a sealing effect. But lubricants do have this ability.

7. Good cushioning shock absorption. Due to the viscosity of the grease the good oiliness, the grease can have a certain cushioning shock absorption effect for some machines that often require changing the direction of movement accepting a large impact. . On some parts, grease can also reduce noise, while lubricating oil is poor in cushioning reducing noise.

The above is the difference between lubricating oil grease used in electric lubrication pumps. When purchasing a lubricating pump, you should be optimistic about the type of lubricating medium required by your equipment, choose the appropriate lubricating pump to avoid unsuitable lubrication methods affect the service life of the machine.
